Sunday, April 13, 2014

Abby Kate's 12th birthday and other stuff

 Kelly and I on tv on the Dana Loesch show (on Glenn Beck's network). We had such a great time!
 We had a wonderful birthday camping trip for Abby Kate! The weather was perfect and had fun doing "blind-folded make-up", relay races, catching turtles in the lake, painting nails, etc...
                                     We are so very blessed with our sweet Katester!!!
                             Mallory taught the kids how to shoot a bb gun over spring break.
                  Shelby made friends with the horses at the entrance of Kelly's neighborhood.
                                                          1st time shaving her legs! :)


  1. Blindfolded makeup is such a fun idea!!
    Hope you had a great birthday, AK!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a cool make up game! Loved Abby Kate's thank-you note. My friend, Brian, who saw you both on the show, was very impressed with Kel's comments. Way to go on the shooting, Mal! Love, Aunt Julie
